Although I'm personally not quite ready to be a mom, I do find myself pondering the topic a lot. . .I mean a lot - like almost every day. I first wonder when I'll have my first baby, if I'll be able to easily - or if it will be a struggle. Then I wonder how many I will have; will I have multiples, or just one or two. And, the funniest part of all - is absolutely none of this is within my control. It's 100 percent up to God. What a relief to know He is greater than any worry, and already has my family's future carefully and thoughtfully planned out. Although I must admit, I still sometimes worry. I guess that's part of being human.
I hear some people talk about their children with such joy like it's the greatest thing since sliced bread - and I know they're genuine, because it shows through in their eyes, they can't hide it. Then other people act like kids are the biggest inconvenience. Like their life was suddenly interrupted by these little, innocent beings (Disclaimer: I can only imagine how children test their parents' patience in ways I can't even begin to comprehend, but at the end of the day - exhausted to the bone - shouldn't it be the best job you've ever had or hoped to have?!). I pray to God that I never take for granted the lives He blesses me with someday. I hope I will always remember what a privilege and responsibility He's granted me and remember that He set me out to do this when I was born nearly three decades ago.
I often ask my friends about being parents, and I overwhelmingly hear that there's nothing that can prepare you for the amount of sleep your body can go without and also how having a baby completely rearranges your schedule in ways you never thought possible. So my questions to my blog readers who are parents are: What's your advice or your opinion on being a parent? What's that one thing you wish someone would have told you about before you became a parent? What do you suggest people without kids do before they take the plunge?
P.S. A black lab is the only thing we've ever parented - and we failed MISERABLY. Poor Brinkley had to go live with a new famiy. He's probably much happier, if they haven't killed him yet! :)
my take on it is it is deliriously wonderful! someday you will make one incredibly fun, good momma! until then i say travel all you can the two of you:)
Being a momma is the best thing ever! It's amazing to know that you have been entrusted by God to care for someone and love them as much as you can. I wish I had been told how fun it was going to be (with the exception of sleep deprivation). It is fun to see their first smile, hear the first giggle, watch the first steps and to be a part of it all. I would say to travel as much as you can and to do all of the things you love to do as a couple. Once a kiddo comes your priorities shift and it isn't so much about the 2 of you, but the 3 or 4 or 5 (haha) of you! You and Josh will still need to have couple time, but it will be in a different form (going to get coffee alone instead of going on a cruise!!) You and Josh are going to be incredible parents someday!! (Sorry for the essay I just wrote)
La, I appreciate your blog so much.
I have to say first and foremost, I am blessed with the best baby in the world :) I just had a friend come and stay a few days that isn't a parent or married, and though we had a blast and Rob was amazing at doing the care taking so I could enjoy my time with her, it was great to get to go back to normal and spend some alone time with Henry and get to be Mommy again. I never knew that I would rather have him in my life than anything else (meaning a high profile career, more sleep, ect.) and how close it would bring Rob and I! That was shocking. It's team work like we have never known before! Everyday he lights up when he comes home from work to see Henry, and I'm completely amazed at the love that is in our house.
With all of that said, I look forward to meeting your babies. Any baby that's yours is sure to be fantastic!!
Best advice - only say no when you have to. It's so easy to say no all the time just to make your life easier, but when you only say it when you really need to you go on some pretty fun adventures and your little one learns that when you do say no, you mean it and it's important. Also, never compare yourself to other parents. Just like your marriage is different from everyone else's so is your mom-style.
Wish I had been told - listen to the doctor when he says it takes at least 6 weeks for your body to recover
Suggestion - go on one last vacation with your hubby.
Suggestion 2 - start trying this summer ;)
Holy Crap I am so glad you lbogged abouit this I am having the same thougths and questions adn wille agerly check back to see the advice :)
Hey Girl! Its been forever!
I never wanted kids. But when I met Michael I thought MAYBE I could see myself having HIS kids. Five months after we got married we were surprised with getting pregnant with Camden.
God really knows what He is doing! Have children changed me so much for the better. I didn't realize how self-centered I was until I had Camden. And now with Halle I am reminded even more of how much God loves us and wants to give of Himself to us and for us.
To do before having a baby: SLEEP! Travel, go on dates, eat out, shop...all of which will become more difficult once they arrive.
And as far as those who seem to feel their babies are an inconvience...either they are having a bad day OR they haven't realized life is not all about them.
God Bless!
PS- I do childbirth education, so when the time comes - hit me up!
Being a mom is the best this in the world, hands down. NOTHING can prepare you for how much you will love such a tiny person. Every little thing about that tiny person makes you giddy....yes, even when you are awake (again!) at 3:00 am, and they are just smiley and playful as can be (even when you want them to be asleep.
Until mommyhood...enjoy it being just the two of you as much as possible.
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